Virtual Metall-Sheet-Festival. Get your bargains and profit now!

Due to the current Covid situation this spring our known Metall-Sheet-Festival unfortunately cannot take place as it used to. We therefore decided to come up with something special for you: a virtual metal sheet and sandwichpanel festival!
This year you can benefit even longer from our numerous bargain offers and cheap Special Items. In addition to every purchase of our stock items of a quantity of more than 50m² or in case of purchase of a special item package you will receive free of charge a box of lacquered screws (4.8 x 35mm).
At please browse through our large stocks of corrugated metal sheets, sandwich panels, synthetic profiles and more. Or simply choose your desired special item package on our website and get it delivered conveniently and at a low rate at home.
Of course, while respecting the Covid related hygiene measures in place on an agreed date you also have the possibility to pick up your goods personally in one of our take-away warehouses.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by e-mail in case of any question. We look forward to your virtual or to your personal visit.

L- 9753 Heinerscheid
Tel.: +352 997 323 20